Dinner time helpers!
If you have a toddler, or two, or three you know about the early evening blues. To say that they are difficult is an understatement! Usually around three pm everyone is kind of done with the day and ready for daddy to get home... but dinner still needs to be made, the living room cleaned up for the millionth time and ideally the kids will be washed up a little bit. I know this is a high bar! I know that mommy wants to cry some nights as much as the littles and the last thing you really want to do is make dinner.
Often this time of day is the hardest for a little one who has just given up an afternoon nap, but not always. Trying to make dinner with a screaming toddler on my leg has become a skill and I would LOVE to share a few ideas I have to handle this time of day with success! Different ages and different stages sure make a difference, this post is for the four and under crowd.
We've had a play kitchen for years, a super sweet small one! I love moving it into the kitchen while I cook dinner! Having a one year old pretend to cook alongside me seems to cheer everyone up!
I've been known to pour salt in a baking dish and let a little go to town. This usually works well with a three year old.
Who can beat good ol' fashioned pots and pans? Letting a little guy play the drums on pots can really buy you time! Granted it's a little intense!!
I love pulling out "special magnets" for a little one. I keep them hidden and only take them out on hard days! They are special, new and fun this way!
The picture heading this post is of our current toddler drawer. There is one drawer in the kitchen for little ones....always. old pots I don't use, dollar store kitchen junk or, as you can see here, a tiny tea set and table clothes! YAY! These keep my little girls ages 3 and almost 2 very busy and happy!
One last tip before I head out! Let your littles set the table! Several of my children would do this for hours.....really.
Blessings to you and the end of your day!
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