Sometimes junk makes me crazy...okay, it almost always makes me crazy, and it also gives me the opportunity to practice a meek and quiet spirit!

There are a ton of blogs, books and pins out there about our stuff.  Why we keep stuff, how to figure out WHAT stuff to keep, who to give our stuff to, gift giving and receiving, you name it!  I am not going to reinvent the wheel here.  I think we all know, at least most of us, that we can't keep everything we own forever!  How do we solve the problem of "TOO MUCH JUNK" in a practical way?  You know, without throwing out everything we own!

Here are some tips I've found really helpful when it comes to keeping down on clutter:
  • Don't buy stuff you don't need, sounds obvious but when I see a deal that is too good to pass up I try to ask myself if I really want to pick it up off the floor, keep it clean, throw it out in a few get the drift.
  • Give non-material gifts to your children and ask others to do the same.  Some ideas?  Lessons of any kind, a coffee or dinner date, trip to the zoo, climbing wall, indoor playground, audio book or digital music.
  • Keep a bag or basket (I use a trash bag) in a common place to toss unneeded items in for donation.  I use a trash bag so my kids don't catch me in the act!!!!  Every time I come across clothes that no longer fit, toys we no longer play with or books we don't need, I toss them in the bag.  Please remember to be considerate. If it's not something you would buy at a thrift store because it is worn out, throw it in the trash!
  • Keep a separate pile of items that you could re-sell locally or on e-bay.
What are some ways you keep clutter and junk manageable?


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