I suppose it is only fair to write a post about asking for and accepting the help being offered to you as a pregnant or postpartum mom. Pride. That is one reason we don't ask for help. I can't let someone see dirty dishes in my sink or clean my yucky floors. Side note, I haven't slept in weeks and smell like old milk. How about not knowing what you need help with? I usually fall into this category myself, of course I have pride issues as well. Often times I really know I need help, but I'm not totally sure where, or how. When you are pregnant there are usually offers from others! How do you know when to accept or when to ask for help? Just a few ideas here!
If someone offers you help and you aren't sure if it would really be a blessing, feel free to get back to them! I don't usually take anyone up on babysitting, but I have had emergency situations and needed a sitter! If you don't need to take them up on their offer now, ask if you can call them if that particular need arises.
If someone offers to help you in a very practical and non intrusive way, take it. If someone offers to make you dinner, say yes. If you don't need it now ask if they would be willing to make a freezer meal! Pop that sucker out on a hard day and think of how much you're loved.
There are times when I am just overwhelmed and can't think of what I really need. During those times, or when you have calmed down, think of some ways friends could help you, especially if you are on bed rest or your husband is working a lot of hours. When someone offers to help you, think about that list, pull it out.
See if there are any mother's helpers in your church. A young girl who can come and read books to your other children, vacuum your floors or any other simple tasks. We hired a mother's helper when I was pregnant with my fifth son. I was the sickest I had ever been and couldn't get off the sofa. She was (and is) a lovely girl who was homeschooled and jumped right in and homeschooled my boys twice a week while I sat on the sofa. When she was done she would take them on a walk around the block a few times or tidy my kitchen. Priceless.
Not only is someone willing to bless you, but it blesses them. Really! You know how good it feels to pay it forward and love someone like Christ loves you! Let someone do that for you!

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