Giving Birth- How to support a Loved One During Pregnancy, Labor and Postpartum
This post will be quite general because the help you can offer really depends on your relationship with the pregnant couple! I wouldn't want my third cousin twice removed on my step-uncle's side attending my birth and I sure would want my best friend there right after with my kids to show off the new arrival. You catch my drift. So please take these suggestions into consideration as you support a loved one through the blessing of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.
- Ask them how they would like you to be involved, accept their answer.
- Remember this is not about you, yes even if you are the grandma, it's about helping them.
- Offer to watch their children, mean it.
- Make them a meal, offer to set-up meals or make snacks for any other siblings.
- Remember that often times the first trimester can be very exhausting, help mom rest by pitching in with chores. I hate a dirty bathroom and kitchen when I am pregnant but often can't clean them well with morning sickness. You could also offer to take her dirty laundry to your house to wash, dry and fold.
- Make up little gift bags with Dollar Tree treasures for siblings to have when mom is having a hard day, or while in labor.
- Offer to water plants and care for animals if a couple is having a birth center or hospital birth. You could even bring a loved pet home with you for a little while so mom and dad don't have to worry about him.
- Offer to be a contact person once things wind down and real life kicks back in. When grandma and grandpa leave and aunt Bessie finally has to hit the road things can get REAL! Dad is usually ready to start back at work within a week or so and mom is with her new blessing all day long. A cup of coffee, a nice visit, a magazine or an offer to hold the baby so mom can shower are all usually welcomed.
Here are some gift ideas for mom:
- Pedicure
- Massage
- Chocolate
- Order pizzas to her house
- Free babysitting
- Doula services
- House cleaning services
- Photography services

Hope this helps you help the one you love!!
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