How to have your littles help with chores!
Do you try to get housework done but have a lot of....."help"? I get that. In fact once I timed myself. How long does it actually take me to get laundry put away? Twice as long as you'd think!! I've come up with some sneaky ways to keep my littles busy "helping" me while I run around getting chores done! Here are my ideas! What are yours?
- Laundry? Let your littles undo the dryer into a basket! Have a little wipe down the washer and dryer with a baby wipe! Putting laundry away? Have your three year old fold rags, washcloths or socks. Is your child old enough to put their own clothes away? Let them! Make sure you don't care if they are folded!
- Dishes? Let your littles put away silverware! If they can't reach the drawers and cupboards it's time to move them. Your little ones want to help, let them reach the places they need to! I also let my one year old splash around in the sink, even if it's messy! This teaches children that work can be fun.
- Bathrooms? I put my children in the tub😂🤣😂 I fill the bath with warm water, bubbles and Little People! I go to town! This way no one is getting into the toilet or sink! No one is going rogue!
- Bedroom clean-up? If you are teaching a child to help clean their own room make sure they know what is expected! Littles can easily make their own beds, put away pajamas and clean up books. I try not to keep toys in bedrooms.
- General cleaning? Are you just running around like a crazy lady cleaning here, there and everywhere? Give your little one a rag and plastic spray bottle filled with water, or something else that won't harm them. I also hand off Kirkland baby wipes like it's my JOB. Letting the kids clean anything and everything! Also consider a small broom and dustpan, a feather duster and any other cheap cleaning supply you can round up!
What are your tips for kiddos under four?
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