Large Family Church hacks

When it comes to getting a lot of little children ready for church I'm a huge fan of "fake it 'till you make it". Of course this only applies to the little things (matching socks & breakfast from a box ) and not the big things (having your Bible by the door and your heart ready for worship). If you're looking to maximize your Sunday morning peace and minimize your Sunday morning stress check out these ideas!

Saturday night:
  • Set out everyone's clothing...please remember shoes 
  • Make ahead a fast and mess free (in theory) breakfast that can be eaten on a napkin
  • Set aside everyone's Bibles, coloring books, Bible story books and hymnals, preferably by the front door
  • Refill your diaper bag and pack any nursing supplies

Sunday morning:
  • Try to beat everyone up and get yourself ready first... (note to self)
  • Set out breakfast BEFORE you get kiddos dressed
  • After church have kiddos take their church clothes off and hang them up right away for next week or stain spray and set aside for the wash.

I'm sure there are a million other things you could add to this list but when these basic things are done it sure takes most of the Sunday morning stress temptations away! I'm off to plan accordingly for next week....


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