Managing lots of littles all at once!

There was a time, not too long ago, when I had five boys ages eight and under. The days were very long, messy and loud.  Attention spans were at an all time low and so was my health. How did I survive? How did I maintain some amount of order and sanity? The Lord gave me some wisdom that I affectionately call Twenty Minute Sessions.

I set up a schedule of activities throughout the house and we all rotate every twenty minuets.  During several hard pregnancies I used this method to schedule an entire day.  Here are some ideas for sessions and a list of practical suggestions!
  • Coloring books
  • Craft bin with Dollar Tree stickers, scissors, glue, scraps of pretty paper
  • Stamps
  • Play-dough
  • Water colors
  • Trains
  • Audio books
  • Library books 
  • Mini snack on a picnic blanket
  • Outside time
  • Dry erase boards
  • Old photo books
  • Bubble Bath
  • Seasonal craft like card making, ornament decorating or putting together Christmas cookie plates for neighbors

A trend you will see threaded throughout my blog is the opportunity to use things you already have, you don't need to go out and buy things for your sessions, use what you have and even swap with friends. 

Some suggestions:
  • When the timer goes off it's time to pick up, even if you're having fun! Leave the space like you found it!
  • Only one or two (at most) messy sessions like crafting.
  • Add in a special "Mom time" session, the kiddo gets to bake with mom, read special books, build a Lego creation etc. One on one!
  • Switch activities each week!
  • Consider adding your baby into the mix! Swing time, playing with an older brother or sister etc. I even count myself in by cleaning different parts of the house for my sessions sometimes! 
  • Set up your sessions in fun places like a tent, picnic table, on a comfy blankt!
As the children got older we found that twenty minutes really wasnt long enough to work on a project and we changed our sessions to thirty minutes. Do whatever works best for you! Your kiddos might have a longer attention span than minešŸ¤£

I hope this idea blesses you as a mom of many! Especially during the long winter months!


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