Managing lots of littles all at once!
I set up a schedule of activities throughout the house and we all rotate every twenty minuets. During several hard pregnancies I used this method to schedule an entire day. Here are some ideas for sessions and a list of practical suggestions!
- Coloring books
- Craft bin with Dollar Tree stickers, scissors, glue, scraps of pretty paper
- Stamps
- Play-dough
- Water colors
- Trains
- Audio books
- Library books
- Mini snack on a picnic blanket
- Outside time
- Dry erase boards
- Old photo books
- Bubble Bath
- Seasonal craft like card making, ornament decorating or putting together Christmas cookie plates for neighbors
Some suggestions:
- When the timer goes off it's time to pick up, even if you're having fun! Leave the space like you found it!
- Only one or two (at most) messy sessions like crafting.
- Add in a special "Mom time" session, the kiddo gets to bake with mom, read special books, build a Lego creation etc. One on one!
- Switch activities each week!
- Consider adding your baby into the mix! Swing time, playing with an older brother or sister etc. I even count myself in by cleaning different parts of the house for my sessions sometimes!
- Set up your sessions in fun places like a tent, picnic table, on a comfy blankt!
As the children got older we found that twenty minutes really wasnt long enough to work on a project and we changed our sessions to thirty minutes. Do whatever works best for you! Your kiddos might have a longer attention span than mineš¤£
I hope this idea blesses you as a mom of many! Especially during the long winter months!
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