Uprooting the seeds of discouragement

Do you ever look around the house and ask yourself what you've been doing all day?  You haven't sat down, had a moments peace or even a bathroom break but things seem to be in a worse condition than when you started? The bathrooms smell, the oven looks like it's actually never been cleaned at all, you've done two loads of dishes but the sink is full again and this time with pots and pans you need to make dinner.....

We've all be there, some of have stayed there for too long, some just occasionally visit. Some days are just discouraging. Once that little tiny seed of discouragement is nursed it grows into full blown sin. Discouragement turns into discontentment, after all if only I had a dishwasher, or new pots and pans, one of those automatic vacuums, a Costco membership, my life would be easier. The Bible is the best way to remind ourselves of who we are and who God is, after praying and reading your Bible try these hacks to uproot that tiny seed of discouragement before it bears fruit.

  • Make a *did* list instead of a *to do* list by writing down each thing you finish for a whole day. I think you'll be surprised by how much you really get done!
  • Complete one task that cannot be undone right away like cleaning out the fridge, organizing one drawer, organizing  photos, rearranging your furniture. 
  • Keep a list of your thoughts. When you write down each thing that enters your mouth for a few days you realize just how many carbs, sugar snacks and potato chips you're really eating. This is the same idea! See how many untrue and discouraging thoughts you're listening to throughout the day, refute these thoughts with truth!
  • Manage your expectations. Often times when I'm overwhelmed my husband will say I need to lower my standards....a lot😂. Sit down with you husband and make a realistic list of things that *really* need to get done daily, weekly & monthly. 
I hope this list richly blesses you as you continue to cheerfully serve your family!


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