Weekly Tea Time- Manner Training

One of our favorite things to do the winter is to have a weekly tea party.  Our tea parties were very interesting when we first started them.  We had five boys before having two girls and our tea parties were a place where I was able to teach the boys table manners.  I would read Beowulf, we would eat homemade cookies, using our best manners, and have tea.  Sometimes we would have coffee too.  Nothing fancy.  But a really fun way to spend a winter afternoon!  Now that we have two little girls we seem to have a tea party of sorts everyday!  Here are some simple tea party ideas.

  1. At the end of a long homeschool week, Friday, have a tea party to kick off the weekend.
  2. Eat special treats that you wouldn't normally eat!  Have a cookie baking day!
  3. Practice setting the table properly.
  4. Get dressed up in a fun outfit.
  5. Read poetry or short stories.
  6. Practice passing things to one another using an English accent!
  7. Teach your children how to make tea and start a collection.
  8. Host another family for a tea party!
  9. Have a different theme for your parties each week.
What are your ideas?


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