What Is A Gentle C-Section?

What is a gentle C-section or family centered birth?  I am SO glad you asked!  The real heart behind a gentle C-section is to create a similar birthing atmosphere for the mom and baby that would come along with a vaginal birth.  This idea has really picked up steam and has shown many benefits for baby and mama!  Here are some components to a gentle C-section:
  1. Mom is able to avoid general anesthesia, unless of course it is an emergency.
  2. The operating room can be made as quiet as possible, maybe even light music playing.
  3. A mother is able to have her husband and other support person with her at all times.
  4. Baby held up to mom and dad over the drape as soon as he/she is born, allowing for the gender to be a surprise if a couple waited to find out!
  5. Cord clamping can be delayed, and dad can cut the cord.
  6. Baby goes to mom and she is able to breastfeed in the operating room while being stitched up.
  7. Baby stays with mom while she is being wheeled to recovery.

A study was done by the American Board Of Family Medicine and here were the findings:

Among 144 gentle cesarean births performed from 2009 to 2012, complication rates were similar to or lower than those for traditional cesarean births. Gentle cesarean delivery is now standard of care at our institution.

Read more here.
Do you have this option locally?  I hope so!  If not I think you should ask for the option.  


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