Allowance, money jobs and Earning your keep!
How in the world do you regulate money in your home? How do you teach your children to save? Thanks for asking!! I think we have changed this over the years and with each child... and as each child grows! But this is what we have been doing for the last few years, and it seems to really work!
- We have "money jobs" and these are jobs that are done on weekends or in the summer that are different from our everyday jobs. These jobs may be mowing the lawn, weeding, moving bins for mom or any other out of the ordinary job. Usually Daddy pays for these jobs.
- We also have everyday jobs, you do NOT get paid for picking up after yourself, or helping to keep the family running on a daily basis! But thank you for helping to keep your room clean, wash dishes, switch laundry and make your bed.
- Summer Work!!! One summer, two years ago I think, we told our boys that we were not paying them for work, if they wanted paid work they would have to find it... they did! That summer my husband was off working for a friend doing construction and we just didn't have money to pay them for summer jobs around the house! We let them know that if they were going to earn money it would be earned working for someone else. They went around the neighborhood finding lawns to mow and work to do, again, they did this as a team, never alone. They made enough money to buy fair bracelets, which meant rides for a whole day.
- We do not hand out an allowance, if the boys want money, they need to earn it! They do a great job! I'll post more about boys and a work ethic later...
- We let ours boys spend their money on whatever weird junk they want to🤣😂 after they tithe ten percent! I should add, each of our children have learned to savevas well! Either for bigger items like toys, or college!
How does your family go about paying children ?
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