Bed Rest Helps!
Being on bed rest at the end of a pregnancy can really be a challenge, especially with little ones running around. My last two pregnancies were very hard. I usually find out I'm pregnant and within two weeks start throwing up. Or, not throwing up but wishing I was. I spend those two weeks before morning sickness hits making a million freezer meals, setting up homeschool activities I can accomplish from the sofa, and if I have the funds, getting in touch with someone to help me deep clean for six or eight weeks. Although this is quite a hassle, I am healthy. I have only had one pregnancy out of seven in which I needed massive amounts of anti-nausea medicine, which did nothing, and fluids. I couldn't keep anything down for almost six weeks. This is not "normal" morning sickness, it's considered hyperemesis gravidarum. May God have mercy on you if you struggle with hyperemesis during your pregnancies. Especially if you have little ones running around.
Bed rest at the end of pregnancy is quite a different thing. My last two pregnancies started with couch rest due to morning sickness and ended in months of bed rest due to pregnancy complications. Without getting too far into my own story, I would like to encourage you with YOUR story. Whether you are on bed rest for most of your pregnancy, some of your pregnancy or all of your pregnancy, I hope these tips will be helpful.
- Learn a new craft. Knitting or crocheting can be a way to pass time, especially if you are having a hard time sleeping at night.
- Take an online class!
- Grab up books you wouldn't normally have time to read. I really wanted to read up on breech births (as a care provider) but never took the time or had the time to study. I took the opportunity to read up, borrow books and watch YouTube videos on breech babies.
- Make homemade baby announcements.
- Make up a bunch of craft packs for your little ones. I would take gallon Ziploc bags and put stickers in one, stamps in one, popsicle sticks and glue in another... you get the point. You could also make non-craft packs. Pick themes like dinosaurs, or space. Collect little sticker books, plastic models etc. pull out a new one each day!
- Make up a ton of snack packs! This time use snack sized Ziploc bags and fill them up with snacks. Sometimes I mix up a bunch of things in a big bowl, sometimes I just buy fish crackers, pretzels etc. and put them in baggies by themselves. I put the baggies in a low drawer in the kitchen and this way my kids can get their own snack!
- Library books! I actually avoid the library, BUT when I am on bed rest it can be a life saver! I sent my oldest boy to grab up board books for the little kids every week while I was on bed rest. That means there were new books in the house constantly and I didn't even have to step into the library!
- Audio books! We listened to a lot of free librivox audio books and also purchased a few on audible. We also listened to a lot of Johnathan Park, and even our Mystery of History school book. My older boys found Lone Ranger radio shows free online as well. We really liked those!
- Use a camera for a treasure hunt and to check on chores! I would send my children off to do a chore with my phone, letting them take "before" and "after" pictures.
- When someone asks how they can help, ask them for a freezer meal.
- Set up play-dates, especially for older children. Visiting for a few hours a week at a trusted friend's house.
- If you need help with cleaning, ask someone! Let someone help you with meals and cleaning!
- Play lots of card games and board games.
I hope this helps!!!!
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