Character development for kids!

I remember five years ago or so when I realized I was using words my children didn't understand to correct their hearts and behavior. It wasn't going so well๐Ÿ˜‚ one day I asked a child to be respectful. Then I asked him "Do you know what it means when mommy asks you to be respectful?" My young boy shook his head. How could I expect them to obey with this teaching method? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ  I started to look for a curriculum or book to help. I've tried three different books but this one is by far the best!
There is a virtue, a Christian definition and a memory verse. There are also some real life examples for application . Check out these pages!

How did we use this book?

 I wrote a new word with the definition and bible verse on my dry erase board each week. There are 25 lessons total. The children and I would memorize the definition AND Bible verse and THEN apply it throughout the week. I would point out in movies or books when people were or weren't listening, being kind etc. We also used gotcha candies. If I catch you applying what you've learned without being prompted I'll sneak up and slip you an M&M mini. This is definitely not an original idea. It belongs to my bestie who maybe got it on a large family blog. More importantly, it works! 

Do you use something like this for little ones? Even our big kids get excited about chocolate! ๐Ÿ˜


  1. We didn't have a book like this but we did talk about appropriate ways to show love to others. We would have conversations where we asked them to list ways to show love. They would say things like "share my toys", "help them clean up", "give a hug" etc. Then we would give examples and ask if those were ways to show love or not. It really seemed to help. Then we would catch them showing love and praise them for it. We also used it when disciplining for unloving actions. It also helped teachings on forgiveness as well .


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