Daily schedule for a family of nine!

We don't have a schedule really, more of a routine. It changes almost every three or four months! Some things to note about our family before I post our current daily flow.

My husband works from home. Like most things in life this is both a blessing and a curse😂🤣 We homeschool five of our seven children.  One is still a toddler and one is in a private christian school. The ages of our kids as of this writing are 14, almost 13, 10, 8, 6, almost 4, almost 2. We also live in North Idaho and this is our winter schedule. We stay up a lot later in the summer!

7:00 a.m. Mom Bible and coffee and dad already at work
7:45 Take 13 year old to school
8:00 Mom and dad breakfast
8:15 Family Bible
         Peanut butter toast
         Morning Chores
         School: Handwriting, history, English, Math
12:45 Lunch
1:00   Baby nap time
           History or science movie
3:00    Walk with daddy
3:30    School pick up
4:00    Free time
5:00    Dinner prep
5:30    Dinner, clean up, evening chores
6:30    Family Bible
7:00    Teeth, jammies, family movie
7:30-8:00 littles in bed, ages 8 and under
9:30ish Everyone in bed.

I love this book by the way! I hardly follow it at all, but it has really helped with the way I think about my daily to do lists and schedule needs.


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