Dieting helps for moms! Getting started!

There is an OVERWHELMING amount of health and diet information out there. A lot of it is targeted towards women. Big shocker, right?!  I don't know about you ladies, but the more I research the less I seem to know!  I need simple.  Very, very simple in most areas of my life right now.  If you have checked out my meal plans you will see they stay the same for a month.  I love this.  I know exactly what I need to keep on hand and I can budget this way and don't have to reinvent meal time three times a day times thirty days a month...  I have a similar take on my personal diet.  Here are a few notes on "dieting" in general mixed in with ideas to help you succeed!

*When I use the word diet in this blog I'm not specifically talking about losing weight but rather healthy eating habits and what you choose to pop in the pie hole :)

First and foremost you probably already know what works and doesn't work with your body.  A lot of women feel like they need to follow some system that works really well for their best friend, sister, mom or someone else. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  If low carb makes you feel dizzy and sick but weight watchers works better, then stick to weight watchers.  If Weight Watchers really helps you to lose that stubborn post-baby weight but you eat a piece of cake everyday and don't touch veggies (I might know someone who has done this before......tee hee) then it might not be the best plan for you! Whatever it is, low carb, keto, THM, Weight Watchers, low fat, vegan, raw food!

If you are starting from scratch I would encourage you to talk to a non-activist foodie friend.  You know what I mean!  Someone who is knowledgeable about food, nutrition, weight loss, whatever it is you're looking for, but who is willing to help and not strong arm or guilt you.  Guilt should come with sinning not dieting. Make sure this person is okay with an occasional text or phone call for advice.  When I started Trim Healthy Mama I had to text my friend ten times a day with questions at first. Once you start a "plan" I stick with it for a solid three months.  That's how long it usually takes me to stop craving junk and to build better habits!  If it doesn't work for you after three months, then reassess.

Make a super easy and super cheap meal plan.  If someone is mentoring you have them help you with this.  If you are just jumping back on board after a very long winter break *he he he* then just jump back in, but with a meal plan.  This plan should include snacks and it should be posted on the fridge.  Have a list of "freebies" on hand.  This means zero points for Weight Watchers, a list of E or S snacks for Trim Healthy Mama, or whatever you would consider a freebie on your new plan!  Keep a few of these things in the house at all times.

When you are planning your family's meals, make sure you can easily plan your meal alongside theirs.  I'm working on a blog post that will give ideas, recipes and practical helps in this way right now if it's tricky for you.  It sure was tricky for me for a loooong time.

Really stop and consider if you want your husband to be your accountability partner :-)  If you do, and he's on board then great!  It is awesome if you can have someone occasionally encourage you and cheer you on.  The rule with this is you cannot be bitter, grumpy or anything else of the sort, towards your husband!  If this is too tempting then have a girlfriend with thick skin help you out in this way instead!

One last thing, regardless of what does or doesn't work for you don't be this person.....



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