Eight things people with chronic illnesses want you to know

Over the years I have listened to countless stories of chronic illness. Friends, family members and even strangers have opened up about their trials with fibromyalgia , multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue and hashimoto's disease. Regardless of the stigmas surrounding these illnesses they are everywhere and chances are someone you know and love suffers from a chronic illness. Though many woman have different stories there are many similar threads through them all.  Here are a few things I believe women with chronic illnesses, including myself, want you to know!

  1. We are tired, not lazy. Ya, this is a hard one! 
  2. We need compassion more than a cure most of the time.
  3. We have tried almost EVERYTHING within our means to heal ourselves. I have personally tried DoTerra essential oils and vitamins, insane amounts of vitamin C, gut health diets, freeze dried organic fruits and veggies that are powdered and ready to add to smoothies, a vegan diet, a bulletproof diet, all juice diet, keto diet, low inflammation diet, several chiropractors, physical therapy twice, cleanses, prescription drugs...... get the point? Some combinations of these things help, don't get me wrong. But God's will is God's will, and I embrace that. For my good, for my health. 
  4. We need help sometimes, and like you, we struggle with pride. I was gifted with several hours of weekly house cleaning. Priceless. Sometimes I need help forced upon me. Others in your life may need the same.
  5. We need to be reminded that this is God's plan, and that means it's good. It's easy to be discouraged when you have an illness that will never go away! It's easy to lose sight of the big picture! Having a friend encourage us is priceless as well!
  6. Sometimes we hate it when people ask how we areπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ because it is often the same answer πŸ˜‚πŸ€£! A lot of folks genuinely care, and are genuinely concerned, it's just kind of a downer when you're not better over time! "I'm the same...tired and sick..." feels dramatic spread across several years! 
  7. We don't want to hear how sick and tired we look. Most of us feel like crap day in and day out, so please don't tell us we look like crap too. This one probably seems obvious.
  8. Last, but not least, try not to lay the guilt on thick! We all love being invited places, but we also have to pick and choose. Often times all of our energy is spent on our children and daily living. It's totally my responsibility not to feel guilty when I have to miss out on special things, but just a heads up, people with chronic illnesses are a little raw when it comes to missing out! If we say we can't ...fill in the blank... we're not avoiding you, we actually CAN'T! And keep inviting! No one likes to miss out on birthday parties, family dances or dinners with friends. 
Do you or someone else you love have a chronic illness? What would you add to this list?


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