Fat stripping helper-fuel Pull foods THM

If you're familiar with Trim Healthy Mama you're familiar wth (S) foods, which are high fat and low/no carb, and (E) foods, which are low/no fat and HEALTHY carb friendly.  They suggest three hours between switching over from S meals or snacks and E meals and snacks. There are also two other types of foods! Crossovers, which combine fats and carbs (for those maintaining their current weight or trying to gain weight) and Fuel Pull foods. Fuel Pull foods are neither fat NOR carb heavy and therefore be eaten at ANYTIME and with any type of meal or snack. If you are struggling with weight loss, sugar addiction or just want to boost your metabolism you can eat all Fuel Pull foods for a week.

The idea behind weightloss and healthy eating here is this. Our bodies burn either fat or sugar (carbs) if you are eating neither, for a short amount of time, you can kick start your metabolism and reboot your system.  This helps me, personally,  with my extreme sugar cravings. Some people have an easy time with self control in this area, I do not!  Here is a list of Fuel Pull foods and recipes. You can also easily look up "fuel pull recipes" on Pinter and get a TON of great ideas! These are the things I usually make because they are healthy, easy and cheap at Costco....I know, big shocker 🤣😂🤣

Fuel Pull foods

  • Lean chicken
  • Almond Milk
  • Berries
  • 1% fat cottage cheese 
  • 0% fat plain yogurt 
  • Green veggies, any veggies that aren't starchy 
  • Salmon
  • Egg whites
  • Laughing cow cheese
  • 8oz can of tomato soup w/ 1 cup water heated with salt&pepper
  • Lean sandwich meat
  • Mozzarella cheese  (moderation )
  • 1/4 c black beans
  • 1/3 c salsa
  • Canned  tuna

With these foods I make smoothies, eat tuna mixed with cottage cheese on lettuce as a wrap, maybe with mozzarella or laugh cow, any veggies grown ABOVE the ground, tomato slice with a layer if basil and laughing cow baked, salad with dressing made with 0% greek yogurt and salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. Just for some ideas!

Do you follow THM? Do need an occasional fuel pull week? What do you eat? How do you eat within your budget....time AND money?


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