Monday-laundry day for nine!

Listen ladies, I love laundry. Granted I have loved it a lot less this past year. I am actually considering purchasing a second washer. But all in all, I love it! It's such quick satisfaction! I don't have any hard and fast laundry rules but here is how I roll, and generally keep up, with laundry for nine!

  • Monday is my laundry day. or at least that is the goal. I don't do laundry (unless someone is sick) on the Lord's day which means Monday's laundry pile is HILARIOUSLY huge! We call it the Laundry Monster😂 I, of course, wash clothing most days of the week, all but Sunday, but Monday is a concentrated effort. 
  • Monday I catch up, wipe down the washer and dryer and clean out the cabinets above! This is also the day I will wash extras! Meaning my curtains, linens etc.
  • I only buy Tide. Years ago I asked a friend why her kid's clothing looked so clean, expecting a five step process she surprised me! My friend only used Tide. That was ten years ago and I have only tried once or twice to go off Tide, apparently I'm hooked😉
  • I purchase Shout stain spray by the half gallon.... or whatever their biggest size is😂. I use a lot of Shout but have convinced my children of it's awesomeness and they are pretty good about spraying down possible stains!
  • I only wash whites and not whites. Sorry!
  • If you don't make it through the washer and dryer you were never meant for the Boyd family! Sorry not sorry! This means YOU dry clean only slacks, special dresses and yes, even down comforters.
  • Teenagers stink. I've NEVER purchased fabric softener or dryer sheets... until now. I just started buying dryer sheets to freshen things up a bit😂🤣!
  • I don't hang anything except for coats. Sometimes the Boyd family looks wrinkly 😂 my husband has assured me that no one notices....😁
Does this help? Did I leave something out? Looking for ideas when it comes to organizing kids clothes? Check out this post!


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