What you really need for your first baby!
What baby gear do you need before baby comes? What baby gear do you REALLY need after baby comes? What if you are hoping to have a large family, what baby items should you really invest in? Here are my thoughts! And you don't have to take my word for it, I will add some links at the end of this blog with other ideas!
Before baby comes here are the things I recommend:
12 basic long sleeve onsises, I always need preemie sizes but newborn work for most!
6 sleepers like these. The bags are fantastic because babies tend to kick off their little socks.
2 hats
2 swaddling blankets. Our hospital was giving them away the last time I had a baby! I loved mine.
4 receiving blankets, like this.
A place for baby to sleep. We have a seat like this and co-sleep at night. Bassinets are great but only last a few months before you're on the hunt for something bigger. They are pretty fantastic for night time feedings if you aren't co-sleeping!
Speaking of sleep, you might want to consider a sound machine!
Speaking of sleep, you might want to consider a sound machine!
Scentless laundry soap (I personally don't use this, but I know enough woman who swear by it that I thought I should include it!)
50 newborn diapers. I use Huggies for newborns.
Wipes. I use Kirkland brand
Car seat. There are a lot of strong feelings about car seats and the laws and safety information seem to change yearly. I suggest asking a few friends which is their favorite and why. I like infant car seats that are easy to hold. I'm pretty short and am usually carrying not only a car seat but a toddler as well.
*These are things I suggest starting off with! There may be odds and ends that you end up needing, but this is really a great place to start for the first month or so. You will need a baby carrier quite soon, but I suggest waiting until after baby comes to try them out. If you find one you love INVEST in it! Your body will thank you! You also may want a baby monitor depending on how big or soundproof your house is. We've never used one.
For nursing mom's, these are the things I recommend having on hand before baby comes.
Nursing pads. You can purchase cloth or disposable. I never liked the cloth ones, no matter how hard I really wanted to!!
7 pairs of large underwear or maternity underwear. These will be destroyed over the next few weeks!
If my goal wasn't to have posts that could be read in less than five minutes, I would write quite a bit more. Here is a great blog post by the minimalist mom that is a lot more detailed! I suggest checking it out!
There are a ton of other things that can be helpful including ice packs for swollen breasts, a good breast pump, bottle warmer, wipe warmer etc. I suggest purchasing these things after baby comes if you need/want them. There are SO many gadgets out there.
What should you invest in if you are planning on a large family? As in three or more children? I've found that after the third child things that we purchased second hand or didn't invest in were capoot. I would invest this way:
Nice baby carrier, like an Ergo
Nice diaper bag, if you use one (I just have an enormous leather purse!)
Good quality baby swing
Good quality pack n play
A medium quality single stroller, $50 range
When baby two comes, a very high quality double stroller
Attractive and easy to clean high chair, sturdy!
What are your thoughts? What are your *must* haves or *like* to haves?
What should you invest in if you are planning on a large family? As in three or more children? I've found that after the third child things that we purchased second hand or didn't invest in were capoot. I would invest this way:
Nice baby carrier, like an Ergo
Nice diaper bag, if you use one (I just have an enormous leather purse!)
Good quality baby swing
Good quality pack n play
A medium quality single stroller, $50 range
When baby two comes, a very high quality double stroller
Attractive and easy to clean high chair, sturdy!
What are your thoughts? What are your *must* haves or *like* to haves?
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