Juicing, why would anyone juice kale???

I don't believe in anything.... at least that's what I say when I am considering health options.  I am skeptical of everything.  Natural health? No way, a bunch of loonies.  Not into that hokey junk.  Western medicine?  Nope, they are just trying to make a buck, dumb big pharma!  My gentle husband has reminded me several times that some things actually do work...both natural and "unnatural"!

green leaf vegetable
During my journey with chronic fatigue, mono and the like, I have found juicing to be something that actually does work.  If I didn't notice a huge difference myself, I wouldn't believe it nor would I pay for it.  While it tastes yummy I find I need quite a bit of fresh juice daily to make a difference.  I also don't juice all the time.  If I am recovering from an injury, fighting the winter blues or CFS that is when I pull out the juicer and use it daily.

I do know one thing for sure, everyone has a different body.  There are things that have really helped me, like prescriptions, P.T., massage and juicing to name a few, but they may not work for you.

Obviously, check with your doctor or care provider before you juice as an attempt to heal any chronic health issue.

man massaging woman's body

So where do you start?  To be honest, the best place to start, in my opinion, is with one of these recipes!

There are 22 different options!  Though I have done a lot of recipe research, the recipes on Dr.Axe's website are pretty standard.  My favorites?  These two!

  • The Anti-inflammation diet/ food list.  This is my favorite.  My husband and I love to juice kale, don't judge us please, and add lemons.  We weren't following any recommendation, we just tried it once or twice and stuck with it.  I found that when I stopped juicing I didn't feel as good.  I found out, many years later, that juicing kale and leafy greens were great for inflammation and inflammation is a great source of pain!  So for that reason, it's my favorite!
  •  Second fave?  Sooooo glad you asked!  I had liver problems with my last two baby girls during pregnancy so after I finished nursing these girls I started a little cleansing. When I think of cleansing I think of people doing weird junk.  I didn't.  I did a gallbladder cleanse, similar to the one I just linked as I had a labor and delivery nurse recommended it, and I just juiced like this....while eating a THM "diet".
Again, don't cleanse your liver or gallbladder without talking to a Dr.  The process can affect many things including medications you may be taking.  It is also advised not to attempt a serious cleanse while you are nursing or pregnant.  

Image result for juicing meme

 Don't go buy a juicer on a whim, don't jump on some health thingie! But maybe borrow one?  If it helps check craigslist???

What do you do in the winter for an extra vitamin C boost?  How about fighting the winter dreariness, if you don't live someplace warm and sunny?


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